
The War Z heißt nun Infestation: Survivor Stories

Erinnert ihr euch noch an das Zombie-Game The War Z? Ihr wisst schon, das Spiel, das sehr an DayZ erinnert und nach einem ziemlich heftigen Shitstorm für kurze Zeit von Steam verbannt wurde. Nun hat man sich bei Hammerpoint Interactive dazu entschlossen, The War Z in Infestation: Survivor Stories umzubenennen, um die Verwechslungsgefahr mit DayZ möglichst gering zu halten.

Hier das offizielle Statement:
“The War Z, has officially changed its name to Infestation: Survivor Stories today, in part to help fans differentiate the popular game from similarly titled brands. OP Productions initially filed The War Z trademark early last year, but soon found out from the United States Patent and Trademark Office that the name was comparable to another property. After months of trying to resolve the issue, OP Productions decided the best option to avoid confusion among players was to rename the game. Current players will not experience any change or interruption with the exception of the change in name and game logo.”

Quelle: via


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