
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst wurde verschoben

Na, freut ihr euch auch schon auf Mirror’s Edge Catalyst? Leider wurde der Release verschoben. Eigentlicht hätte das Spiel bereits am 24. Mai erscheinen sollen. Der neue Release-Termin lautet 9. Juni 2016.

Übrigens läuft gerade der geschlossenen Betatests. Somit werden wir wohl bald neue Spielszenen zu Gesicht bekommen. Sobald es weitere Infos zu Mirror’s Edge Catalyst gibt, informieren wir euch natürlich sofort.

Hier die offizielle Meldung dazu:

“Update on the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Launch

Hello everyone,

As you know, we’re about to open the gates to the city of Glass for participants of the Closed Beta. One of the key features of the Beta and the full game is Social Play, detailed in our latest developer diary.

Taking on Dashes designed by DICE, creating your own Time Trials, climbing the Leaderboards, and connecting with your Runner friends are some of the Social Play features we’re really excited about – and something we want to play flawlessly.

To support the Social Play features, we are using a brand new online technology. We also want to make sure we have the opportunity and time to address player feedback from the Closed Beta. That is why we will give ourselves a bit more time to perfect the game, with a new release date for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst of June 7th (NA) and June 9th (EU). We’re confident that these extra two weeks will make sure the game is as amazing as possible for you the players.

Thank you all for your continued support and excitement for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. The return of Faith is imminent.

Erik Odeldahl, Design Director”

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